SEA CHANGE postcards

SEA CHANGE postcards

Illustrator Anne Wilson and I were delighted to be asked to contribute a postcard to SEA CHANGE, the latest international artist collaboration project from the ICPBS* focusing on oceans and sea life. There are so many amazingly beautiful and poignant postcards from illustrators and authors all over the world. They will form an international exhibition, engaging audiences through workshops and talks. This new venture follows the highly acclaimed MIGRATIONS project.

Our postcard illustrated by Anne Wilson for this project, focuses on bycatch. 7.3 million tonnes of marine life are caught by mistake in fishing gear each year. The focus on sawfish was inspired by the sawfish’s sad story in our book Red Alert! 15 endangered animals fighting to survive and conversations with sawfish scientist Dr Dean Grubbs of Florida State University who kindly advised on this book.

*(ICPBS) International Centre for the Picture Book in Society

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Catherine Barr