The Story of People

Front cover of The Story of People, a picture book illustrated by Amy Husband. It is the 3rd in this nonfiction children's book series.
With appealing and detailed illustrations that are both informative and entertaining, this is a key book for primary school children to learn about humanity in its wider historical context.
— Books for Topics

The Story of People A first book about humankind

When did the first humans live? How did humans spread all over the world? How has science and technology changed the way we live? And what will happen to humans in the future? This narrative, written with expert advice from author and anthropologist Professor Alice Roberts explores how humans evolved and the history of humanity up to the present day. 


Published 2019 Quarto Publishing plc Quarto Knows
Illustrated by Amy Husband
ISBN 978-1786032652
Expert advice: Professor Alice Roberts, anatomist, author and broadcaster.

Also available in Chinese, Japanese, French, Korean, Russian, Spanish, Vietnamese, Welsh, USA

Silk Route, Silk Road, camels, China, silk trading, Greece, democracy
Industrial Revolution, air pollution, factories, smoke, carbon dioxide, steam powered boats, machine, trains
Environmental damage, climate change, polar bear, ice melting, overfishing, deforestation, orangutans, soya planting, biodiversity loss