How Colour Works

Front cover of How Colour Works, a nonfiction picture book illustrated by Yuliya Gwilym
The colours of the rainbow seem so simple, but their endless combinations give us a stunningly beautiful world. And the best thing is that colours only get better as you look more closely. This is a topic for everyone to enjoy, from the youngest to the oldest, and this book gives a wonderful introduction to how it all works.
— Dr Helen Czerski, physicist, author and TV presenter

How Colour Works

This book for aged 5+ covers key STEAM subjects: science, technology, engineering, art and maths. Why is the sky blue? Why is snow white and darkness black? How do our eyes and brain create a world of colour?

Published 2020 Red Shed
Illustrated by Yuliya Gwilym
HB ISBN 978-1405292566
Expert advice: Dr Helen Czerski, physicist, author and TV presenter

Also available in Chinese, Japanese, Dutch

Rainbow, science, light waves, long wavelength, short wavelength, raindrops, red, orange, yellow, green, light blue, dark blue, violet
Seeing colour, animal vision, dog, bee, snail, pigeon, cone cells, ultraviolet
Animals using colour, sending messages using colour, male mandrills, poison dart frogs, cleaner fish, flower mantises, scare predators